Angular training


Introduction To Web Technologies

  • What is Web
  • What are the Requirements to build End to End Web Application?
  • What are the Challenges in modern web development?
  • What is a Stack?

Typescript Deep Dive-Type Script Architecture

  • Basic types
  • Variable declarations
  • Interfaces
  • Classes
  • Functions
  • Generics
  • Enums
  • Type inference
  • Type compatibility
  • Advanced types
  • Symbols
  • Iterators
  • Modules
  • Namespaces
  • Namespaces vs modules
  • Module resolution declaration merging
  • Decorators 

Introduction To Angular

  • Evolution of client side technologies
  • What is Angular JS?
  • What is Angular?
  • Angular vs Angular JS
  • Various versions of angular
  • Angular architecture
  • MVC and MVW Overview
  • SPA Overview
  • Angular Versions
  • New Features added for Angular8
  • IVY
  • Angular Universe
  • PWI : Progressive WebApps Introduction
  • Performance Improvement Overview 

Setting Up Environment For Angular

  • Installing node
  • GIT
  • Yarn
  • Angular

Angular Architecture

  • Basic building blocks of angular application
  • Intro to modules
    – NgModule meta data
    – NgModules & components
  • NgModules & javascript modules
    – Angular libraries

introduction to components

  • Component meta data
  • Templates&views
  • Template syntax
  • Data binding
  • User input
  • String interpolation
  • Component styles
  • Angular element
  • Angular directives
  • Structural Type Directives
  • Attribute Type Directives
  • HostsListeners
  • HostBinding
  • Attribute
  • Property& Attribute binding
  • Property Binding vs Interpolation
  • Class binding
  • Event binding
  • Custom event
  • Nested components
  • Communication Between components
  • Component life cycle
  • LifeCycleHooks

Angular Pipes

  • What is pipe?
  • Built-in angular pipes
  • Creating custom pipes
  • Registering & Integrating pipes 

Angular Services

  • Introduction to service & dependency injection
  • Providing service
  • Creating custom service
  • Consuming &registering service

Angular Forms

  • Intro to forms in angular
  • Various types of forms in angular
  • Difference between template driven & reactive forms
  • Common foundation
  • Form model setup
  • Setup in template driven forms
  • Data flow in forms
  • Form validation
  • Dynamic forms
  • Validating reactive & template driven
  • Form state validation
  • Input state validation
  • Custom validation


  • About observables
  • RXJS library
  • Use of observable in angular
  • Compare RXJS with other techniques

NG Modules

  • JS modules vs ng modules
  • Frequently used ng modules
  • Single ton service
  • Lazy loading feature modules
  • Sharing ng modules
  • Ng module API

Dependency Injection

  • Angular dependency injection
  • Hierarchical injection
  • DI providers
  • DI in action


  • Set up HTTP client
  • Consume serice form onther technologies
  • Creating API(REST API)
  • Using node js
  • Create API in node js
  • Handling communalization using MEAN
  • Mongo data base
  • Express middleware
  • Angular client APP
  • Node js server side
  • Creating and end to end app
  • Handling CRUD operations 

Routing & Navigation

  • Router imports
  • Router configuration
  • Router outlet
  • Router links
  • Routing Resolvers
  • Routing Guards
  • Nested Routes
  • Active router links
  • Router state
  • Router events 

Angular Animations

  • Transition & Triggers
  • Complex sequences
  • Roote transition animations 

Angular Materials

  • Tables
  • Forms
  • Tabs
  • Grid Layout
  • List Layout

Unit Testing In Angular

  • Karma with jasmine
  • Create unit tests
  • Testing angular app

Advanced Topics

  • JWT Tokens
  • Optimization Concepts
  • Lazy Loading Overview
  • Angular Universal


Tags: Angular